Sunday 6 February 2011

Day Two: Links and Stuff


Now, I said in the previous posts that I would link some things for whoever is interested, and here they are:

For vocal exercises, I use these youtube videos - . They're easy to follow and you can buy the CD for a full workout without the explanations for a reasonable price : ). Remember when you're singing to relax your jaw and breath from your diaphragm (don't raise your shoulders and feel your stomach expand as you breathe in)!. Never push your voice to reach something uncomfortable/ a note you can't reach, it will come to you naturally with enough practise (depending on your range of course).  I made this mistake yesterday, and my vocal cords still hurt a little ):, if you do this for too long you can permanently damage them, so relax and don't strain yourself! Always drink plenty of room temperature water and stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and dairy when singing.

Phew, now on to guitar -
Yay chords! And a lot of them too. I think that's every key listed on it...but I'm not sure. Anyway I figured it was a pretty good, free, diagram of chords in their keys. Beware though, I think some of them may be off in terms of strings played. I think the fret positions are right (the position of the dots) and the finger positions as well (the numbers at the bottom) but the number of numbers in the row at the bottom are sometimes off. For example, for the Dm chord in the key of C, it says to play the open A string first...when you should play the open D string first. Anyway just keep that in mind.
Also remember to practise your scales! If you're unsure what scales are, click the link at the end of this post.

For Keyboard I have a similar link - You'll notice it has the guitar chords in it as well, and it's basically the same setup as the previous link.

Unfortunately I don't really have anything for bass...but since you don't use chords (well very rarely, more often you maaay use two note harmonies) if you can get a hold of the tabs/notation of a song's bass part just practise that, along with scales of course. Alternatively, if you can get a chord sheet for the song, try to play along with the rhythm using the notes within that chord or the chord's scale.

Ooft sorry if this is confusing anyone so far, I'm not great at explaining things buut here is a link that may help you :
It guides you through the very basics of music theory, so hopefully you'll understand more if you're having trouble following (and I don't blame you if you are).

That's all for today I think, thanks for reading!



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