Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day Three: Uuuuuugh

I received the bad news that I FAILED MY LATEST THEORY ASSESSMENT. I was by far in the majority however, since around thirty four others of the forty in the class also failed.
 The reason for this is that the last question had asked us to listen to a sample of music, write down the chords, then it's key and the roman numerals of those chords for that key. So for a lot of us, that was a big shock we were not prepared for and I think I can speak for all that we didn't know how to because we find it daunting. However I think if I can hum the roots notes in my head, I can count the semi-tones up/down from one chord root to the next and thereby figure out that next chord. So I've been practising ear training and it's...not been going that well - I think I just need to practise singing up the semi-tones and I should be ok...I hope.

 Anyway, for things like ear training and other, free, music theory notes and exercises, there is this -

Bought five more books on theory and chords today. I have so much to read!

Have a good day!


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